Networks for schools
Computer classrooms comprising at least one server and one client. All classrooms provide the following services:
- Automatic configuration of network settings for all client computers.
- A personal private space for each user to store information in a confidential way, and accessible from any computer.
- A shared space accessible by all users from any computer, to easily share data.
- A publishing space for each user, where she can store files that will be available to all users for reading, but they cannot change or delete.
- A file mailbox for each user, which allows other users to send files in a confidential manner.
- Internet access.
- Optionally, a backup server in addition to the main server.
Multiplatform classrooms
They are classrooms composed of client computers running Windows, MacOS and Unix, simultaneously. The network provides unified services for the three types of operating systems, what allows to have, with respect to network services, a single unified working environment.
You can download an informational file (in catalan) for art schools, also suitable for other schools requiring multiplatform networks.
Low-cost classrooms
At the time of setting up a computer classroom, what usually costs more money is the client computers. The low-cost classrooms are classrooms that use cheap second-hand client computers.
In this type of classrooms the programs do not run on the client computers, but all the programs run on the server. Of course, the server must be a pretty powerful computer, but this is just one computer.
The client computers are limited to controlling keyboard, mouse, screen and sound, so you can use second-hand computers several years old without noting a deterioration in the operating speed.
With this system you can set up classrooms at a fraction of the cost that would be required using new computers.
Moreover, this type of classrooms can be auto-installable.
Auto-installable classrooms
These are classrooms in which the installation of software on the client computers is 100% automated, under the server control.
It usually requires the installation and configuration of a single reference computer. The remaining computers will be configured automatically using that computer as a model.
You can have several reference computers.
The installation of a client computer can be done just once, when the computer is first used, or it can be done from scratch each time the computer is powered on.